Friday, May 8, 2009

What is next!

I am surprised to find that I have not had anything to say for so long. So much has happened since I attended the Think Tank but I want to look forward and not recap my life since then. We are happily very busy at the gallery, getting prepared for SOFA WEST and Brent Kee Young's show all the same week in June. SOFA WEST ( Sculptural Objects and Functional Art) will be held in the beautiful new convention center in Santa Fe June 11- 14, 2009. Brent's show opens on Friday June 12 and he will do a demo on Saturday June 13 at the gallery. If you are even considering a trip to Santa Fe, this is the time to come. There are too many events to list here but I promise you that you can't help but have a wonderful time. The NM Museum Foundation has a list of possible activities to keep you busy. SOFA has an extensive list for VIP ticket holders (let me know if you would like a ticket, and the SF Gallery Association is getting in the act also. This city loves an art event and opens its arms broadly to say WELCOME. ART is the heartbeat of the city "different" and you will know you are some place unique the minute you arrive. After living here for over 10 years, I know I couldn't live anywhere else. It is a lifestyle choice, the scenery, the art, the people, the casual approach to life, the honesty of the land, and the architecture created from the earth, and most of all the fascinating people who choose to live here, sometimes at great cost to their professional life. No I do not work for the department of tourism but I could. The combination of SOFA and Santa Fe is unbeatable. Make your reservation at the Eldorado Hotel (official hotel for SOFA and walking distance to the Convention Center) Come and be rejuvenated by this magical place.

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